Sunday 4 November 2012

Task 1


1. Things you know now that you didn't before.

I knew that branding was important in designing, but I now know that it is the basis of all design. I also now have more confidence in doing design branding, as before I didn't really have much confidence in my branding skills. 

I know that I am capable of working in a professional environment, that my software skills are much more advanced than I feel they are (although other software still needs development) and that I can work to deadlines and tackle unknown briefs. 

I now realise that as a graduate you are not expected to know everything, that many people start from scratch and pick up their graphic designs skills because they have taken a different degree and that this doesn't matter as you will pick everything up along the way and learn through experience.

Through the Industrial Experience I realised that I can design for different areas rather than just contexts that I find interesting (packaging for health and beauty products, and music), that I can apply my design skills and use them to me venture out to different topics, like wine, which I knew / know nothing about but I was still able to come up with design solutions for the briefs. 

I know that I want to own my own studio a few years down the line. I wasn't so sure on this throughout last year however I know now that I want to be able to make the choices of what briefs and areas of design I work for rather than joining a company and being set them. 

2. Things you would address differently that you did this summer.

Confidence in talking to designers and studios; I now know that I am a capable designer (with still a long way to go), and I shouldn't be afraid of asking for work or a studio visit that will in some form or another, help me get to where I want to be. 

I feel that I should make a conscious effort to contact and talk to people who work in different sectors of design, not just as a graphic designs who has all the briefs handed to them. I realise now that I am very interested in the music industry and designing for that, so I need to start finding out what it takes to be a designer for this type of area. 

I need to do more self initiated briefs, because of being away for the majority of the summer period I didn't get to full fill my plans of researching and designing briefs that I was interested in. I did design a couple of websites like Design Crowd and 99 Designs, this has given me the opportunity to keep a eye out for the type of briefs I could be doing which has also helped me focus in on what I really like and the type of designer I am. This will also ensure that my skills do not stop developing. 

Keep researching exhibitions and events that will help me develop as a designer. I was away for all the new designer events that were in London and I feel that they would have been very beneficial. I also missed out on the Design festival in London in September, so I need to keep more of an eye out for events like these so that I don't miss out again. 

Self promotion, I did manage to do design and print my business cards but now I feel that I need a proper design identity. Once I have this I know I will feel more confident in approaching people and putting my work out there. Like I said earlier, I have realised that branding is the bases for everything, especially in my case. 

3. Specific things you will address this semester that should be useful.

I need to talk to the tutors more about my work and on a more regular basis. Last year I felt that my designs were definitely making more progress however I failed to talk to tutors on a regular bases and get feedback. I do find that in most briefs I get to a point where I feel I am stuck but I have never asked a tutor for a bit of help. This year I have started to ask for more feedback from both tutors and peers that the change in my designs and progress is very noticeable. 

Coming in earlier, I have realise that I work best in the morning and once I get to about 6 / 6.30pm I start to get distracted and I am not as focused. I have started to come in at 8 / 8.30 am each day and it has made so much difference to the amount of work that I get done each day. This needs to continue!

Writing lists, I like working to lists in general but I have never applied this to my design strategy. This year I said in my presentation that for me to keep onto of my work and balance out each day, that I will write a 'to do' list and check it off. This will also give me an idea of what I find manageable and what is a realistic daily target. 

Blogging; throughout my time at Leeds I have tried to keep onto of blogging, some weeks are better than others but I have never managed to continually blog all my work and evaluate it so that I can see the progress and design decisions and developments that I am making. I tend to forget or loose focus of somethings, so if I am able to keep onto of daily blogging / blog as I go, I feel that it will help my design  greatly. 

Constant reserach; with all the briefs I have done previously I always start with research so I have some inspiration but after a couple of days I stop, I think that this is a bit fault that I have had because I need to take inspiration constantly from other designs in order to develop and push mine as far as possible. I intend this year to do constant daily research to help inform my work and make them as professional as possible. It will also help to broaden my design knowledge. 

Live briefs; this will get my used to working with a client and working out their wants, needs and expectations of designs rather than following my own. 

4. Things you feel we could address as a group?

Looking at the different areas of design / the possibilities of design jobs that are available once we leave. I am interested in working in the music industry but I have no idea of how I even start to approach people about this because I have no previous experience in this sector or contacts. How do we contact specialist design agencies and what do we need to include in our portfolio

How to know which job is the right job, not to take the first job that comes along just because I need the money...?

I am thinking of going travelling for 6 months after I leave, how do I start to think about looking for a job for when I come back after having some time away. I will be looking into getting internships out there but when I come back I will be slightly out of contact in comparison to where I would have been after graduation. 

5. Things you feel we have not looked at in PPD you personally would like to know more about with reference to professionalism?

Visiting professionals from different design areas / jobs / specialists. 

Talks from recent graduates on how they have got on in the few years after they left uni, what they found worked and didn't work / a realistic eye opener to what the path ahead involves. 

Working abroad as a designer...

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